

About Baltix

Baltix Makes It Easy Being Green. Baltix offers four varieties of panels made from environmentally-friendly materials.

EcoSunflower panels are made from a unique bio-based material created from an abundant agricultural fiber, sunflower seed hulls. The material exhibits the natural elegance of traditional burled woods, making it an environmental and economic alternative to hard wood.

EcoWheat industrial panels make use of the abundant supply of agricultural fiber found on Midwest farms. Biofiber compares favorably to wood in weight, smoothness, and moisture resistence.

Newspaper boards respect the environment by using recycled paper products, a soy-based resin system, and color additives. The material has a unique and elegant appearance combined with the warmth and feel of an exotic hardwood. Finished with a special UV cured process, the panels are totally free of harmful V-O-Cs.

Perma-Poly plastics are made from 98% post-consumer and post-industrial recycled plastic. They are tough and durable, and require NO finish coats, so they will never affect your indoor air quality.

What Makes Our Biocomposites Good For The Environment?

  • Currently, once the processing for oil is complete, waste Sunflower Hulls are BURNED which creates excessive CO2 and other particulate matter in the atmosphere. Baltix salvages this resource from incineration.
  • Our raw materials are fully renewable in 6-12 months. Compared to 10 years for "certified forest products".
  • Not a single tree is cut down in the process of making these panels.
  • NO Formaldehyde - Most wood composites use a form of formaldehyde in its glues, resins, and laminations. Baltix uses NO FORMALDEHYDE in its products and processes.
  • The EPA has classified formaldehyde as a B1 probable HUMAN CARCINOGEN. MDF Formaldehyde content .75 ppm*
  • Our biocomposite panels can be ground down and reprocessed into brand new biocomposites.
  • Our aluminum can be re-used. In addition, all Baltix aluminum is readily recyclable and is valuable to recyclers.
  • The process of making our biocomposite panels is environmentally-friendly. The panels are made at a low energy facility, using a low water process. And there are no VOC's generated by the production.
  • Just a small percentage of waste hulls from one of sunflower farm produces enough raw material to run the EcoSunflower production at full annual capacity. (80,000 TONS ANNUALLY)

*Source: Temple Inland MSDS sheet for MDF Sept 1998


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Custom orders are available through Green Fusion Design Center.  Come on by to take a look at our samples and have your design questions answered.  Or, if you know what you’d like, give us a call.  Phone orders available by credit card only.
