Healthy Home Event #5: Natural Bedding

On Sunday, October 12th GFDC offered a free workshop covering everything you’ve always wanted to know about Natural Bedding, but were afraid to ask. Participants were able to learn, see, feel and try Healthy Bedding alternatives for the whole family on display at Green Fusion Design Center.

Featured speakers included:

  • Christine Nielson, Owner and founder of Coyuchi, a local creator of opulent organic linens
  • Steve Carwile, President of The Natural Bedroom by Vivètique Sleep Systems
  • Joe Pozzi of Pozzi Wool Co. Marin & Sonoma county producer of environmentally friendly wool
  • Linda Delair, interior designer & natural bedding expert from Green Fusion Design Center

Topics included:

  • Organic cotton production vs. conventional
  • Pure Grow Wool™ applications & benefits
  • Evolution of Pure Grow Wool™ standards & practices –right here in Marin and Sonoma!!!
  • Qualities & benefits of sumptuous Natural latex rubber made from hevea trees