

About Shaw Carpet Tiles

The economics of a systems approach to commercial flooring. Products with proven performance and appearance for unconventional areas. An extensive selection of perfectly matching broadloom for conventional areas.Precisely matching the right materialto the right environment. No more, no less. Turnkey from our factory to your floor. Only from Shaw Tile.

Shaw Industries, Inc. recognizes that merely preserving and conserving the natural bounty of the earth will not make us a sustainable corporation. A truly sustainable carpet industry must mimic nature's organic cycle of life, death, and rebirth. The answer does not lie in limiting growth, but in encouraging the kind of growth that is cradle-to-cradle, returning carpet to carpet endlessly. Toward that end, Shaw has adopted these productive policies and practices.

  • Environmental sustainability is our destination and cradle-to-cradle is our path. Our entire corporation and all stakeholders will value and share this vision.
  • Through eco-effective technology we will continuously redesign our products, our processes, and our corporation.
  • We will take responsibility for all that we do and strive to return our products to technical nutrient cycles that virtually eliminate the concept of waste.
  • We will plan for generations, while accepting the urgency of the present. We are committed to the communities where we live and work. Our resources, health, and diversity will not be compromised.
  • We look forward to a solar-powered future utilizing the current solar income of the earth, anticipating declining solar costs and rising fossil fuel costs as technology and resource depletion accelerate.
  • We will lead our industry in developing and delivering profitable cradle-to-cradle solutions to our free-market economy. Economy, equity, and ecology will be continually optimized.
  • Honesty, integrity, and hard work remain our core values. We will continue to deliver unsurpassed safety, quality, beauty, performance, and value to our customers.

Our previous statements of environmental policy described our efforts toward sustainability as a journey. But a journey must have a well-defined destination, a clear path ahead, and a purposeful stride. As we learn and grow, this document will be refined by generations of Shaw leaders who won’t think about sustainability. They’ll see it as an essential business practice, perhaps without realizing that previous generations consciously changed for the better the world in which they lived. Sustainability is our gift to you … and to the future.


Coming soon...


Custom orders are available through Green Fusion Design Center.  Come on by to take a look at our samples and have your design questions answered.  Or, if you know what you’d like, give us a call.  Phone orders available by credit card only.
