

About ICS 3-D Panels

In a world grown accustomed to evolutionary change, one remarkable building system is making a truly revolutionary impact on global construction methods-the ICS 3-D Panel System.

The components of the 3-D System are simple-a core of modified expanded polystyrene, flanked by wire mesh, connected with galvanized truss wires, field-coated with concrete. Yet its extraordinary design flexibility, ease of installation, versatility of application, and astonishing strength are changing the way the construction industry sees the future.

The 3-D Panel "space frame" is exceptionally rigid and comprised of:

  1. Modified Expanded Polystyrene Core
  2. Two Outer Layers of 2"X2" Welded Wire Mesh
  3. Galvanized Truss Wires Pierce Core and Are Welded to the Outer Mesh Layers
  4. Field-Applied Shotcrete

    Developed by EVG of Austria and manufactured by ICS 3-D Panel Works, Inc., the 3-D Panels are produced to exacting tolerances using patented high-speed machinery. The panels' light weight yields dramatic advantages in lower shipping costs, easy job-site handling, and rapid erection/installation.


Coming soon...


Custom orders are available through Green Fusion Design Center.  Come on by to take a look at our samples and have your design questions answered.  Or, if you know what you’d like, give us a call.  Phone orders available by credit card only.

Changing Construction Methods Worldwide!