


3form is the leading manufacturer of award-winning, eco-friendly materials and architectural hardware solutions for the Architecture + Design industry. Their innovative 3form Varia system uses ecoresin to encapsulate color, organic materials, textures and custom images to translucent resin panels that can be transformed into walls, dividers, doors and other architectural solutions.

Someday, the only companies which exist will be those that give back as much as they take, generate as much as they consume, and sink as much as they emit. Today, 3form is working hard to eliminate landfill waste, reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses, and make better products using fewer natural resources.

Path to Zero is the framework which governs 3form's efforts to become a truly sustainable company; it is both a process for change and a vision for the future.

Path to Zero: The Process

  • Build awareness and understanding of both the global environmental crisis as well as the local impact of their own activities. 3form invests in staying current on global research and constantly assess the impact of their buildings, activities and products on the environment.
  • Set goals and take action. Action is the antidote to apathy. 3form sets specific, aggressive goals, then relys on the commitment and passion of their people to continually reduce the impact of their activities on the planet. This year, they have set a goal to completely eliminate all contributions to landfills by 2009.
  • Measure results. 3form holds themselves accountable for results and relentlessly assesses progress against goals. Outside auditors are used whenever possible. they also employ processes such as ISO in order to measure environmental performance.


Coming soon...


Custom orders are available through Green Fusion Design Center.  Come on by to take a look at our samples and have your design questions answered.  Or, if you know what you’d like, give us a call.  Phone orders available by credit card only.
