Book Signing & Discussion with Jennifer Roberts


On Thursday, January 26th, we celebrated Jennifer Roberts latest book Redux: Designs That Reduce, Reuse and Reveal. Jennifer - writer, editor, green building advocate, and the Author of Good Green Homes - presented a slide show of stunning homes in varying shades of green, ranging from places where the recycling story is behind the walls to homes that wear their salvage on their sleeves. In addition to a lively discussion, attendees learned ways to:

  • Create a green home with healthy materials
  • Redecorate, remodel or build a new home using recycled and reused building products

This event was co-sponsored by BuildIt Green.

About the Green Building Author & Advocates Lecture Series

The Green Building Author & Advocates lecture series was launched in 2005 and with our event on January 26th, 2006 will occur on the third Thursday of every other month. This series features leaders in the Green Building revolution and promises, multimedia presentations, readings and of course lively discussions on how to create your own healthy living environment by building it green!